Find the key to unlock Fundraising Success

Next Start Dates 23rd January, 26 March 2024



Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed when it comes to fundraising? Join this 6 week online course to find your fundraising mojo.


  • If I’m honest, that’s how I often felt when working as a solo fundraiser for a number of charities. At one point, I was experiencing sleepless nights about how I was going to conjure up ÂŁ70,000 to pay for the rest of the year’s salaries (with the clock ticking). I honestly wanted to give up, feeling that fundraising maybe wasn’t for me- that I wasn’t good enough. 


  • The thing is, that looking back, it was an unrealistic expectation for income generation to fall solely on one person's shoulders. That approach isn't fair or right.


  • Fundraising simply should never be the responsibility of one person. The most successful fundraising charities embed a fundraising culture throughout their organisation, empowering Trustees, Staff and Volunteers at every level to get involved.


  • For me, at that time, I was isolated in a role with little board input or senior management direction and inadequate data to inform strong applications. 


  • The lack of coordination and treating fundraising as an afterthought, tainted the entire fundraising approach, stifling success and creating a negative environment where fundraising couldn't thrive.


  • I was doing everything I possibly could do secure funding- applying for every grant and exploring every avenue. But I was a Trust Fundraiser and didn’t have the confidence to branch out into new fundraising areas, and neither had the time to work out the steps needed to implement new fundraising streams. Does this sound familiar?


  • I came to the realisation that what was needed, was the right environment for fundraising to grow, just like a seed needs to be planted in fertile ground and given water and sunlight to thrive. Once you have those things, growth becomes easy.


  • Equally, taking time out to plan and work out the best and quickest route to success, increases your chances of achieving your fundraising goals exponentially.


  • Since then, I've gone on to assist in the development and growth of numerous charities, helping them to double or even triple their income levels. I've seen what does and doesn’t work, and where its most helpful and productive for small charities to focus their efforts.


  • I designed the Fundraising Formula course with the precise aim of using my discoveries and knowledge to empower and teach other small charities to do the same, helping them create a clear framework and pathway with the tools needed to help transform their fundraising efforts.


"...Outstanding training course, the delivery was brilliant, Rosie is incredibly knowledgeable and dynamic in her delivery. I felt inspired and educated by her training..."

 Rachel, Sight Cymru



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"Straight away I found it to be very informative, and extremely helpful, not only for the charity and where we can go with fundraising, but also to understand fundraising more in-depth as a personal career choice and where I can go on the journey. Rosie has opened my eyes to the possibilities within fundraising. " Ashleigh, Wales Council for Deaf People *****              

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Find your zest for fundraising



The Fundraising Formula is a 6 week course, specifically designed for small charity fundraisers (and lets face it, the many non-fundraisers who get asked to fundraise!).

Comprising of an online digital course, and 6 weekly group coaching sessions, it blends self-led learning with fun and lively group sessions where we explore different areas of fundraising in more depth. Bringing in different experts on each course, you will find the course brings fundraising to life in a unique and engaging way, demystifying fundraising methods that may previously have felt too difficult or overwhelming to consider.

The course is for those who want to quickly understand fundraising concepts and methods, and implement a strategy to unlock new fundraising income streams. My aim in creating the course was also to make fundraising something people might start to enjoy rather than dread!

When you start to really understand the fundamental principle of effective fundraising, and you have a clear plan with the right tools and processes in place, the mist will start to clear and your charity could become the magnet for funding support it deserves to be.

The Fundraising Formula will give you the confidence and tools to start to feel in control of your fundraising, rather than it controlling you- and when applied, will begin to transform your fundraising outcomes.

So this is a course for those who want to change their relationship with fundraising to start seeing better results, with a clear vision and navigation route to success.

The Fundraising Formula:

  • Will help you to understand what is needed to create an environment where fundraising can flourish.
  • Help you feel less alone by connecting you to a cohort of other charity fundraisers to share the journey with.
  • It will teach you about different fundraising methods and how to go about implementing them.
  • It will help you to analyse where you, where you want to be, and how you can get there.
  • Using insights like the Fundraising Health Checklist, it will help you to ensure you are in peak organisational fitness to maximise fundraising success (contributing to a more fertile fundraising environment).
  • It will encourage you to take a team approach and share the load with others in your organisation.
  • It will help you to understand the fundamental principles of how to be successful with fundraising and magnetise support for your charity
  • It will help provide you with a range of tools to sharpen your fundraising practice
  • It will help to give you the confidence and understanding to tackle new areas of fundraising and unlock public fundraising opportunities.
  • It will help you to strengthen your bid-writing skills and understand what funders are looking for
  • It will help you to focus once and for all on creating and nailing your fundraising strategy to put you on the pathway to clarity and success.
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"This course is one of those rarities that actually teaches you and leaves you with a much greater understanding of the subject. It is in-depth, informative and Rosie goes above and beyond to provide additional learning, support and guidance. I have a much better idea of the how, where and when of fundraising which builds confidence and a more pro-active plan of attack. I would highly recommend this course to all." Catherine Watkins, Ty Elis *****              

100% of participants would recommend to a friend

Has been given an average 4.7/5 star rating by participants

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